Well, again it has been a while since I have written anything here. There has been much that has gone on but for now, I will just say is that the enemy has been working on me in the most intense ways and I have struggled with leaning on the Lord.

I have always been transparent in my communications with you and won’t stop now, so I will confess to you that I have been angry at the Lord for some of the things that He has allowed. In the Old Testament we read that David struggled with anger at the Lord at times, so I guess I am in good company!
Then I went to a women’s event called Tres Dias last weekend and it obliterated my anger at the Lord and affirmed His amazing, grace filled love for me. I am a daughter of THE King and so precious in His eyes. And that is what I wanted to tell you. We are All His daughters. We are ALL precious to Him NO MATTER what we have done or even are doing! His grace is for ALL of us….at ALL times…and again, NO MATTER what our past or our present looks like! At Tres Dias, I heard so many amazing testimonies to the grace and love of our “Daddy” even in the midst of pain, abuse and sin. I know that accepting the fact that His love was there in the midst of our abuse is a hard pill to swallow.
But what I know personally and have heard repeatedly, is that if we crack the door of our hearts open, even if just a tiny crack, to Him, He will begin to bathe our hearts in His love. He will even show us ways that He WAS protecting us when we thought we weren’t being protected at all! His Word promises that He NEVER leaves us nor forsakes us and that is true even in the midst of our pain, either from the past or the present. It says in His Word that He weeps with us and that He captures EVERY SINGLE tear. Not a millisecond of our pain is lost on Him, nor does He EVER not care!
These are things that I was reminded of this past weekend. And while I was physically struggling immensely, I was covered in prayer by my sisters and the Lord did indeed get me through the physical pain. I was also reminded that prayer is the most powerful tool that we have…..both in praying to the Lord as communication as well as praying for each other. So even if you FEEL like the Lord isn’t listening, He always is. When you FEEL like He doesn’t care, He does. And when you FEEL like He doesn’t understand, remember, He sent His Son and He DOES understand the things we are feeling.
As your fellow warrior to stay in intimacy with the Lord, I just wanted to assure you of the assurance that I received….you are loved, you are cherished and if you look to Him, you WILL be given the strength you need to get through your pain.