Whether you are a victim of abuse or an abuse survivor, we all have had the same questions in our hearts at some point and time, “God, where were you?! Why did you let this happen to me?!” The Lord called me to “Daddy’s Little Girls” ministry because He laid on my heart the direct correlation between abuse in childhood and a damaged if not broken relationship with Him in adult life. He doesn’t want anything standing between ourselves and Him and wants to bring healing to the damage that has been done to our hearts.
One thing that has always been a blessing to me is knowing that He has never condemned me for the barriers in my intimacy with Him that was caused by my abuse.
I can tell you that one thing that has carried me through my journey of healing and intimacy with Him is embracing the Bible as the absolute spoken word of God. If we can do this, then whether we feel like there is no hope for a better life than the one we are in, (as I once did), we can rest assured that He has more in mind, better yet, has planned for us to have more than this life. Remember, Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Remember two things. First, that the God that parted the Red Sea for His people, wants to part the sea of your pain so you can get through to dry ground and safety. And secondly, and this is crucial. Your abuse DOES NOT define who you are! Our God does. And He says that you are precious and loved.
Until you can believe that, it is good to have a support system of at least one person you trust completely, someone you can lean on to pray for you and go through your journey of healing with you. Don’t go it alone. And while the journey does take time, the Lord, our Heavenly Father will bless your efforts and bring restoration in the end.
