Psalm 56:8 says, “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” New Living Translation

As I continue to have struggles with my attitudes, chronic depression and neuropathy in my feet, I find great comfort in this verse. While it is true that I still have baggage from my abuse and some of it might not ever go away, I am not alone in my sadness. Once again, I love the absolutes of scripture. The Lord knows ALL my sorrow and doesn’t miss one single tear that I shed. What a comfort to my hurting heart.
Then we also have Psalm 55:17 which says, “Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” It’s interesting to note that David, who had so much victory in his life, still had many times of distress and crying out to the Lord for help and protection. We can draw much encouragement from the fact that David KNEW that the Lord heard him in his times of sorrow and desperate need. That is a truth that stands for us as well, as children of God. While the enemy would have us believe that we are alone in the darkest of times, the truth of the Bible is what we need to cling to. The reality is that there are so many verses that tell us unequivocally that the Lord cares about our pain and grief. It tells us that we are NEVER alone in the darkness.
During these harsh and difficult days, let us remember the promises in His Word and walk in victory today.