You know, I have decided not to say anything about how long it is between blog entries as I continue to have my own struggles with the effects from my abuse. I don't say that to make you feel like there is no hope. There is. I believe in being transparent so that as you have your struggles, you know that someone understands and is fighting the same fight you are. The Lord has always been the focus of this ministry because without Him, I would have lost this fight a long time ago. He is my constant source of strength and hope.
I have been feeling the pull to write again for some time and received a call today from someone interested in a support group! I feel that is the Lord telling me “Do it NOW. Write, like I have been prompting you to.” So, here I am!
I want to share a thought that I have shared before but it has been a while so it bears repeating. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.”
You are probably asking “How could my abuse be used for good?!” Well, I can only speak from my own experience but in that framework, the Lord has shown me the ways He has done that.
He used all of that evil to make me the woman I am today. He has given me a supernatural love for people and in particular, a heart for other survivors like me. He has given me discernment so I know how to minister to others in the ways THEY need it. And He has given me the ability to feel others' pain as if it is my own.....also, allowing me to give in ways that others are unable.
These qualities all come as a result of my abuse. And I wouldn't want to change these things, even if I was given the chance, as they give me what I need to be equipped for the ministry He has called me to.
So, it is my prayer that as I speak to you in the weeks and months ahead, you rest assured that you are loved and understood. That you are NOT alone in your battle and that the Lord offers hope for a better life than the one you have now, whatever your circumstances. We are in this together!